Football Officials Hold Post-Season Banquet
The New York State Southwestern Chapter of Certified Football Officials held its post-season banquet recently at the South Dayton Hotel. Chapter president Barney Lee welcomed chapter members and special guest Craig Donnelly, vice president of the Buffalo Chapter of Certified Football Officials. The evening included special chapter awards and door-prizes, in addition to honoring the following members: Scott VanStee (incoming chapter president and NYSACFO 2024 Merit Award recipient); Ray Spacht (NYSACFO 2024 Merit Award recipient); Barney Lee ( Outgoing eight-year chapter president); and Al Feser (2024 Mike Perry Memorial Award as the WNY “Referee of the Year.” Thanks were extended to chapter member Jeff Stoltenberg and his South Dayton Hotel staff and chapter banquet chairman Todd Gugino Jr. for their efforts in providing a successful event. Those interested in becoming a high school football official in Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties are encouraged to contact chapter membership chairman Vince Joy at 716-640-7973, or