Now that our democracy has been saved by a mostly clean election, we turn to the next problem: Remove the cancerous unelected and unconstitutional Fourth branch of government from power. The Administrative (Deep) State operates outside the supervision of Congress, but inside the plausible ...
Today’s Christmas column first ran in 2020:
The course of history can change through what initially seems like ordinary events.
Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Luke tells the story of the birth of a child two millennia ago.
The birth of any child is wondrous. Yet this was an ...
Most of you are familiar with the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. People have tried to calculate what it would cost to give these gifts today, but have had little success since some of them are no longer possible to give.
Years ago, I heard a radio announcer talk about the origin ...
Let’s pick up where we left off three weeks ago.
With an eye toward restarting good commercial-air service at the Chautauqua County Airport, Chautauqua County government conducted a study to support taking part in the federal government’s Essential Air Services program.
Chautauqua ...
First, let me say we did not have a nativity scene in our home when I was growing up. The only thing I had was a small plastic version to hang on the tree. When I was teaching Sunday school, I bought those ornaments for my students. I still have the one that was left over. I always purchased ...
For quite a while during 1941 the leaders of the allied forces in Europe fighting against Nazi Germany had pleaded with the United States to join in the fight. America had sternly opposed committing troops to another war, even though we sent aid and supplies to the European effort. This was the ...