To be sure, this winter has blessed—or cursed, depending on your perspective—us with more snow than several recent winters.
Yet this winter has been no old-fashioned winter.
Old-fashioned winters have way more snow than this.
An old-fashioned winter in Western New York is ...
Question: I am getting close to my 65th birthday, and wanted to understand Medicare. Could you direct me to some useful resources to begin this learning process?
Answer: Turning 65 is one of those significant birthdays that we have during our lifetime. What you need for insurance before and ...
In one of my old cookbooks, I found this quote about the length of a human life. It is dated 1898. “The average of human life is about 33 years. One quarter die before the age of six, one-half die before reaching seventeen. To every one thousand persons only one reaches one hundred years of ...
I had an opportunity to read the article in The Post-Journal ‘’A Crack In The American Dream”. The crack has been getting bigger and bigger ever since 1929. The main focus of the writer’s article was the January 6 demonstration and the pardons by President Trump.
Those who voted for ...
Chaos, confusion and conflicting and constantly changing rules are harmful to human health.
Most anyone can tell you that, probably because it isn’t real “science” but rather is old time common sense. Real science can support it, of course. Chaos is extremely stressful and currently a ...
Some years ago my granddaughter wrote a letter to the president asking him to take care of our environment. The White House was so impressed they invited our family to the annual Easter Egg Hunt.
While there we went to the Capitol Building so my grandchildren would see for themselves where ...