
Local Commentaries

How To Find Insurance When A Spouse Passes Away

Question: My spouse just passed away, and I am so overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. Now I found out his retiree health insurance will no longer cover me. Now what do I do? Answer: I am so sorry for your loss. This is an especially difficult and stressful period of time for you. Now ...

Buyer Beware!

Today I share a personal experience with you. We were trying to refinish my kitchen floor. It was done about ten years ago, but needed a new coat of finish. My son came up one Wednesday and gave it a light sanding. He planned to apply a coat of finish on Saturday. We knew what we were doing so ...

Sweden’s Lessons For America

About six years ago, economist Johan Norberg produced a documentary about Sweden’s recent economic transformations entitled “Sweden: Lessons for America.” The program is very informative as well as entertaining, and will challenge what you thought you knew. You can still catch it on ...

What Happened To The Grand Old Party?

It wasn’t that long ago that the Grand Old Party (GOP) was advocating for free trade and the elimination of tariffs and trade restrictions. The party also advocated for a bi-partisan foreign policy encouraging strong relationships with our allies through alliances like NATO in order to ...

Nuclear Industry Over-Promises And Fails To Deliver

Microsoft recently signed an agreement with Constellation Energy to restart the 50-year-old Unit 1 nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island. Microsoft would be the only customer, buying all the electricity to power their data centers. Three Mile Island Unit 2 was the one that melted down in ...

Langworthy Complicit In Violating Constitutional And Democratic Norms

The Post-Journal’s recent column, “Trump’s Return, Agenda Energizes Langworthy” is an example of normalizing—“sane washing”—the actions of the Trump administration. It opens with an account of Rep. Langworthy’s visit to Fredonia’s revitalized White Inn, then abruptly ...