
Is It An Apple Or A Banana?

First of all I voted for President Trump and I am proud of it. However, I believe in a woman’s right to choose. When I vote I look at the totality of a candidate and which person is going to be the best President for our country. I also watch the liberal channels.

It’s a known fact that if a person is told the same thing over and over again they will soon believe what they are told. For example if someone is constantly told a banana is an apple and an apple is a banana they will eventually believe it. Just read some of these articles from writers who have CNN syndrome and you’ll understand what I am talking about.

Mr. Demler, your articles let us know about your views. It’s like a personal fixation that you have against President Trump. The election is over and President Trump made history so get a new act. Joe Biden made history also and will be known as one of the worst presidents in modern day history. Even worse than Jimmy Carter. I hope that makes you proud.

Now it becomes clear how corrupt the Democrats have been. The lies they perpetrated were egregious. The corruption was so obvious a third grader could see right through it. Thank God that so many voters thought the same and sent them packing.

If you watch certain liberal channels all the time you don’t get a correct perspective of events. I watch Real American Voice, Fox News, Newsmax, Bill O’Riley, CNN, The View, ABC, NBC, CBS. Being gullible and not knowledgeable is not a good quality.

Your perspective on America is open borders, de-fund the police, catch and release, pardon criminals, sell influence to countries who want to destroy us, and it’s OK to look right into the camera and lie to our face.

Recently a man who was removed from this country by President Trump in 2018, set a elderly woman in a New York Subway on fire and watched while she burned to death. He even fanned the flame with his jacket. He will be convicted and the sad part about it is we will have to support him for the rest of his life. Those are the type of animals we have with open borders. Why would you want that?

Now with the Democrats open border policy we have a surge of misfits, cretin, mentally disturbed, drug lords and every other scourge of the earth pouring in this country. Why would you want that?

Biden lied to us numerous times but the one that stinks on ice the most is the many times he said he would not pardon his son Hunter. No one is above the law right? He not only pardoned Hunter he pardoned his fellow Democrats who also lied along with him in the hopes of derailing President Trump’s campaign. Why would you want that?

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 became a defining moment in Biden’s presidency. He ordered the withdrawal of troops and left 13 of our service members behind to be slaughtered along with a billion dollars of our military equipment. Why would you be OK with that?

They told us the border was secure and you believed them. How could you possibly believe that?

Biden along with his corrupt cronies, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, made up lies about Trump and put him through hell by weaponizing the justice system. Why would you be OK with that? Now those clowns are going to work wearing Depends and begging Pam Bondi not to do the same to them. How miserably inadequate and pathetic of them to even ask.

Remember an apple is a banana and a banana is an apple.Thank God you’re in the minority. Shame on you Mr.Demler.

Bruce Piatz is a Jamestown resident.

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