Guardians Of Corruption
If the tangled mess of corruption in our Federal Government wasn’t already obvious to the average citizen, then the DOGE initiative has made it abundantly clear, except to the willfully blind, of course.
From the executive order: “The United States Digital Service is hereby publicly renamed as the United States DOGE Service (USDS).” The executive order continues by stating its goal: “To restore accountability to the American public…”
Hence, DOGE is not a newly minted agency, as parroted by the clueless. However, making the Government accountable to taxpayers is apparently a bridge too far for the Left, which explains their considerable hysteria.
To claim that Elon Musk can’t lead an audit because he is “not elected” is pure ignorance, but not unexpected of the Left. There is only one elected office in the Executive Branch, and that is the President, who is at liberty to make appointments and delegate responsibilities, including a forensic auditor. DOGE opponents should read the constitution before they pretend to defend it.
One might ask why the self-proclaimed defenders of “our precious democracy” believe that the President, who is directly responsible to the People, should not have information about every penny of Government spending. Perhaps we must also ask why Obama and Biden were absolutely derelict in their duty to protect “our precious democracy” from corruption. Or, were they actually protecting the corruption?
It seems obvious that opponents of DOGE audits are openly pledging their allegiance to the totalitarian Deep State: “You will know them by the things they do.”
In a laughable display of utter narcissism so typical of the histrionic Left, Sheryl Crow revealed her true self in a very public tantrum against DOGE, announcing she would sell her Tesla (she’s probably sick of EVs anyway) and donate the money to PBS. This reveals three things about the virtue signaling of Sheryl Crow and people like her: (1) They believe citizens should not be allowed to know what their Government is doing, (2) They openly admit that PBS is a Deep State funded propaganda outlet, and (3) They believe taxpayers are nothing more than serfs on the Government plantation.
The Left whines that Trump is not spending money previously allocated by congress to their pet programs. Yet, these same hypocrites did not complain when Biden failed to spend the money allocated by Congress to finish the Border Wall. Either the “Constitutional Crisis” actually began 4 years ago under Biden, or we have a crisis of principles on the Left. Perhaps it is both.
“We the People” slept while the Deep State put us $36 Trillion in debt, and lavished our hard-earned incomes on the Deep State parasites that devoured it around the world. These parasites might be Bureaucrats assigned to “BS jobs” that produce nothing, or they might be the NGOs promoting Climate Catastrophism, Illegal Immigration, DEI, or funding of Transgender Surgeries in Guatemala.
Did we vote to pay Big Agra $Billions through USAID to ship our food overseas while our own food prices inflated under Biden? Did we vote for USAID to fund the Stanford Internet Observatory to attack our Constitutional rights to free speech? I don’t think so.
Enter DOGE, and their revelation that USAID is simply a money laundering operation disguised as a humanitarian operation – fully supported by the Left! USAID laundered $Billions through NGOs for the Taliban, and funneled $Millions through Eco Health Alliance – the NGO that gave China the Technology to Engineer the COVID virus that eventually leaked from Wuhan (see US Govt Report).
DOGE just reported that the Pentagon is missing $824 Billion in assets. That is equal to a full year’s defense budget.
Clearly USAID is nothing more than a piggy-bank for Deep State money laundering both domestically and internationally in its relationship with the CIA. Did USAID or perhaps NED pay for the 2014 Maidan insurrection that overthrew democracy in Ukraine and led to the political murder of thousands of ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine by Neo-Nazi AZOV units? Yes. What did we get for the untold $Billions Biden threw at Ukraine? 500,000 dead Ukrainians, while Biden and Obama handed Donetsk and Crimea to Putin? Or perhaps the Deep State prefers WW3 to be touched off in Nuclear fashion.
The president of El Salvador recently stated that shutting down USAID is good thing, because of its history in de-stabilizing governments on behalf of the Deep State. Apparently El Salvador doesn’t want to be wrecked by USAID. What’s their problem?
The big story, however, is that DOGE has (so far) identified $4.7 Trillion of spending with no Treasury Markings to identify it, a quantity so large it can only be explained as outright corruption by Obama and Biden who obviously protected it.
If funding Deep State operations is so important to the Left, why don’t they write the checks themselves, and stop ripping off taxpayers? Sell your EVs and give the money to your favorite corruption de jour, like Sheryl Crow did. That’s the one thing she got right. Pay for those transgender surgeries in Guatemala yourself.
So far, DOGE has exposed only the tip of the corruption iceberg that has been hidden in omnibus spending bills by politicians who skim from taxpayers to fund the Deep State.
Where does this leave the Deep State and its supporters? “For the permanent bureaucracy, this wasn’t just change. It was an extinction-level event. Their power came from controlling who got paid, when they got paid, and what they got paid for. Now those controls are evaporating like dawn burning away darkness.”
Hopefully so.
Democrats have unambiguously declared themselves the party of waste, fraud, and corruption – a title well earned. Stay tuned for more uplifting revelation from DOGE.
Persist to resist the Deep State. Your freedom depends on it.
Scott Axelson is a Jamestown resident. Michael Dee is a Silver Creek resident.