
Be Concerned But Calm Down

There has been concern, and for good reason, at some of the President-elects’ recent nominations for high office in Washington.

As a veteran, I have been specially concerned about the announced pick for Secretary of Defense–a person known more for being a Fox News celebrity than for his understanding of how the Pentagon works.

I believe it is a legitimate concern as this is the largest and, likely, most important post in the government–next to being the President and Commander-in-Chief. Bad decisions at Defense can have catastrophic consequences.

Nevertheless, I thought that good advice came this past week from New York Democratic Congressman, Tom Suozzi. (You may remember him as the guy who unsuccessfully challenged Kathy Hochul in the primary for Governor.)

Suozzi’s advice as to Presidential appointments was as follows: “Let’s look at what they’re proposing to do and their background, and let the Senate go through their process of vetting these candidates so that they can decide whether or not to give their advice and consent to these appointments. I want to tell everybody, you know, calm down.”

I thought Suozzi’s advice was good. You may not like some of these proposed appointments, but the election is over and now we must let the process play itself out.

The Senate has already rejected the President’s first pick for Attorney General, Matt Gaetz, without even having a hearing. Five Republican Senators knew enough about him to tell the President… “don’t even send his name up here.” Gaetz withdrew his name from consideration.

We all have our “wish-list” when it comes to our President. My “wish” for this and every other President has been that they appoint strong, independent-minded people to top jobs. The best example is probably Abraham Lincoln. He appointed a Secretary of State and Treasury Secretary both of whom had opposed him for the Republican nomination. He appointed a Democrat as Secretary of War.

When you are President, you need strong leadership around you so that you are not surrounded by only “yes men” (or women.) You need people who will speak truth to power. Unfortunately, people who are close to power tend to tell their boss what they think he/she wants to hear. This is not helpful in a place like the White House.

We know that the President-elect has not, as yet, recommended any of his opponents in this last campaign for cabinet positions. But, there is nothing we can do about that.

Suozzi has it right. Don’t get all worked up over something you can’t control. Calm down. Let the Senate do its job. The election is over. On we go!

Rolland Kidder is a Stow resident.

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