
Trump Shows Us His Depravity

Readers' Forum

To The Reader’s Forum:

Russia has shown the world its weakness, Trump has shown his depravity. Russia started an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and was defeated. They were unable to conquer a smaller country even though that country had less resources, less military might, and fewer people. President Zelenskyy showed more character and moral strength than anyone in Putin’s American regime. Three years on, when Russia exhausted its military and failed to make advances, they had to rely on North Korea, Iran, and Trump for help.

This is who Trump wants the United States to join; Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Trump wants to abandon Europe to help a dictator, a war criminal, and a murderer. He wants Ukraine to thank us for defending democracy in Europe by giving up their mineral wealth. Trump is happy to buy minerals with Ukrainian blood.

We have just watched how our president reacts to a strong, moral, patriotic opponent. Trump is as weak and depraved as Putin. I am ashamed of our country.

Tom Meara


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