There Are Many Ways To Volunteer Locally
To The Reader’s Forum:
For the past few months, there have been articles and editorials in The Post-Journal about many of the nonprofit organizations in Chautauqua County.
It’s important to be aware of these organizations, their missions, and the opportunities within many to volunteer our time, utilize our skills, and offer help on projects, events and activities. Knowing what each organization does, what segment of the population it serves, and how it operates helps us determine which organizations we want to support.
Whether our interests align with children, youth or adults there are nonprofit organizations that serve that population. Often nonprofits help each other by collaborating on activities that benefit both organizations. Early in January, members of two organizations, Creche and Zonta, spent a few to several hours volunteering at Community Helping Hands. Creche is a local nonprofit whose mission is to help children and youth in the community in many ways including supporting educational opportunities, providing emergency supplies, and fundraising to contribute to enrichment activities. Zonta is an organization that advocates for and works to build a better world for women and children locally and around the world. Volunteers from these two organizations helped to clean storage areas, sort clothing and restock the retail clothing racks at CHH. By working together, we can share information, better understand each other’s mission, and build a more supportive community for everyone.
It’s impossible to know about every nonprofit in Chautauqua County, but the print media as well as Facebook posts, flyers on bulletin boards, and word of mouth can get you started learning about nonprofits and how you might help them fulfill their missions. Financial donations are always needed, but volunteering your time and skills is also important. Often, families can volunteer together so children learn the value of giving back to their community.
Have a passion? Asking neighbors, friends, and co-workers might help connect you with an organization that needs your skills. We can help others while doing something we enjoy and improve our community all at the same time.
Carol Hay