
Readers Forum

One Reason For A Change At The White House

To The Reader’s Forum:

To the powers that be,

It seems that the “losing party” has not realized why “they” lost. Example being an article on Feb. 15 by “one from that side” written by someone that still doesn’t get it. The content and negative message from that writer was an example of why the White House now has a new resident.

Larry Ostrander

Zephyr Hills, Fla.

School Choice Isn’t Only Way To Raise Achievement

To the Reader’s Forum:

As a public school teacher (Jamestown High School, 30 years), I was appalled to read the article “Make

America Smart Again” by Margot Russell. I work with an amazing group of highly educated, hardworking individuals who always prioritize their students’ needs ahead of anything else. It is my belief this is true in any public school around the country.

Ms. Russell pointed out the decline in U.S student achievement over the past number of years. I truly find it offensive that she believes the root cause is due to a lack of school choice for students. Does she really think that the teachers and administrators are far superior in an alternative school? Many of these schools will hire uncertified teachers who lack formal training. And, let’s be honest. Attendance is the number one issue that every school district in the nation is facing. I have always believed that if a child attends class regularly, that child is going to excel. Unfortunately, too many parents have lost the ability to make their child attend school.

Once a parent gives in to a young child’s demand to stay home, this demand will only continue. There are students who never attend or attend a few times a week. School choice is not going to solve this issue.

School choice will only truly help the wealthy who send their children to private, magnet, charter, or parochial schools. Vouchers, generally, do not cover the entire cost of tuition for these types of schools. Because of this, the wealthy will be able to use their voucher money to help cover tuition costs while the less fortunate will not be able to use the money because they would be unable to finance the uncovered portion. This system will only take needed funds away from public schools.

Jamestown High School offers an incredible number of AP classes and JCC College Connections classes.

Every student, with the right work ethic and attendance, can excel in these classes. Many of our students earn

40 50 college credits while at JHS. To assume that they would do better, if only they could choose a “better” school is outrageous and frankly, a slap to our faces.

Susan Gleason


There Are Limits To

Illegitimate Uses Of Power

To The Reader’s Forum:

Recently Mr. J. D. Vance said that the courts have no right to infringe on the president’s legitimate exercise of his powers. That is true. However, the operative word here is, “legitimate.” The president’s power is not without limit, nor is the president entitled to set those limits himself to wherever he sees fit. The courts, according to the U S Constitution, set those limits. A president without limits is a King. The founders of this country intended to make sure that we never have a King who has unlimited power.

If the president were to order the Army to round up all the black citizens and put them in jail, the courts would declare that order unconstitutional and bar any action along that line. That is the law and the courts would issue injunctions to block any such action. The Department of Justice would be obligated to enforce those court orders.

My question is, “Would the newly appointed Attorney General have the courage to enforce such a court order?” Are all the newest appointees of this administration all “yes men” for Donald Trump? I submit that being a “yes man” for Donald Trump is the only qualification that Trump has required for any of his appointments.

Daniel E. Olson


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