Langworthy Ducking Those Opposed To GOP Policies
Readers' Forum
To the Reader’s Forum:
Nick Langworthy doesn’t want to hear from his constituents because he doesn’t represent them, he really represents the interests of Elon Musk. He wouldn’t show up for a bunch of regular folks at a town hall, but if Elon called and asked to speak with him, Chicken Nick would show up in a second, hat in hand. If Nick doesn’t do what Musk wants, Elon will just appoint someone else.
To avoid the town hall, Nick used the Republican version of the dog ate my homework excuse. Rather than show up and listen to constituents angry about what Trump and Musk are doing and what the pathetic Republican Congress isn’t doing, he blames “out-of-state, dark money liberal groups” and their secret funders. Where do they get this stuff? Did Nick hire the same PR firm that came up with the Jewish Space Laser story that tried to explain the 2020 election loss?
My brother lives in North Carolina. His Congressman, Chuck Edwards, unlike Nick, had the guts to hold a live town hall. My brother can’t speak for all of them but he and a lot of his neighbors, 2000 in all, did show up to give Rep. Edwards a piece of their mind. If there were paid protesters (and I’m certain there weren’t), then all 2000 weren’t paid. All those who had a chance to speak gave the same message: what Trump and Musk are doing is illegal, unconstitutional, and unAmerican.
Nick and the rest of the Republicans just assume that all of these demonstrations must be paid for. They can’t conceive that anyone would do this voluntarily, because Republicans won’t do anything without getting paid. Republican just don’t understand patriotism.
Note to Nick: We aren’t shady, we aren’t out of state, we aren’t secretly funded, and we aren’t going away.
Tom Meara