
How Much To Clean Up A Mess?

To The Reader’s Forum:

I was walking my dog the other morning, as I do every single morning.

Halfway through the walk he stopped to do his business on a neighbor’s front lawn right next to a Trump Vance yard sign that was still on display, yeah. I’m normally a responsible person who is considerate of my neighbors and cleans up after my dog. My mother taught me well.

This time, I let it lay. My neighbor, seeing the indiscretion, came out complaining and demanding I pick it up. I listened, then asked, “How much will you pay me to do it?” Confused by my reply, he again demanded I clean up.

I explained that in Trump’s America nothing is free, volunteerism is out; kindness, cooperation, and community are out. If you want me to do something, what are you willing to pay? He didn’t understand, swore at me and walked back into his house. Of course, he didn’t understand; he had voted for Trump.

Tom Meara


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