Pity The Poor White American Male
To The Reader’s Forum:
In his latest nonsensical diatribe on the Trump assassination attempt, Mel McGinnis included the quote “Why so many female agents?” His response was the predictable diversity, equity, and inclusion. How dare women challenge undeserved male dominance!
The question that should be asked is why there are so many male agents?
All Mel has to do is look around and notice that more than half of the people around him are female. One might ask why so many male assassins? Why are there so many male mass murderers? Why so many male sexual predators, especially among the male clergy and certain political parties?
Rather than encourage half the human race to follow their dreams, develop their many abilities, and contribute to a richer, more diverse and exciting future, the poor white males like Mel seek to ridicule, challenge, suppress, and control them.
I am very proud of my daughter’s accomplishments. Who knows how much more she could accomplish in a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable world?
Tom Meara