Do you have credit cards? I venture that most of you do. You cannot do many things if you do not have a card on file. When Don and I went to Alaska we made the arrangements with our credit cards. We decided who was going to pay for what and went ahead.
I took the plane reservations. He took ...
Chautauqua Lake Property Owners Association members have been making the rounds of town and village board meetings in the past month or so asking for support of a Chautauqua Lake management plan drafted by researchers from North Carolina State University.
The plan was funded by the ...
To The Reader’s Forum:
Well, contrary to the Trump claim that he had won a “powerful mandate” as a result of the 2024 election, he has no such “mandate” other than the fact he won the election. The reality, although small one, is that greater than 50% of voters actually voted for ...
One hundred and thirty eight police officers were injured on January 6, 2021, while trying to protect the U.S. Capitol. They were attacked by a mob wielding baseball bats, flagpoles, fire extinguishers, pepper spray, bear spray, and in some cases, the officers’ own weapons.
Following the ...
A friend recently dropped off a book about Jamestown’s “Lost Neighborhood,” the old Italian-American neighborhood that was located along the Chadakoin River adjacent to Harrison Street. I remember this neighborhood well, as I used to trek through it when walking to or from Jamestown High ...
For years we have endured the unending mantra against “greedy” oil companies, while hearing no criticism for greedy Green Energy companies gobbling up $Trillions in corporate welfare. It seems rather duplicitous.
The Climate Cult claimed that “Green Energy” was so cheap we could ...