Puppy Lovin’ Local Woman Breeds Therapy Dogs

It’s been said that dogs are man’s best friend.
One local dog breeder is trying to produce dogs that really can bond with those who have special needs.
Kristen McNitt is the owner, founder, and proprietor of Golden Acres Dogs, located at 3057 Girts Road. The breed of choice for this dog whisper is the miniature golden retriever. While the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not formally recognize miniature goldens, the dogs do tend to offer the best of two of the most popular breeds in America.
“The miniature goldens are a cross of the non-shedding poodles and golden retrievers,” McNitt said. “My puppies have the size of a small poodle, they don’t shed, and they maintain the loving, caring, wanting to please nature of golden retrievers. They really are the best of both worlds when it comes to dogs.”
For more than a decade, McNitt has been breeding this special breed of dog.
“Growing up in the home of a breeder, I have always had a love for dogs. My mom raised golden retrievers for most of my childhood,” she said. “Petite and miniature golden retrievers are a hybrid, similar to the goldendoodles. These pups look just like a small golden retriever. This gives a great temperament and small size, but also some hypoallergenic and decreased shedding traits.”
As strong as McNitt’s love is for her puppies, it’s what they have been doing for others is where she draws her real inspiration.
“My puppies are used all over as therapy dogs for children and adults with special needs or medical needs,” she said. “I have dogs placed in New York City, Long Island, and all over. It’s like little bits of puppy love all over.”
According to akc.org, the golden retriever breed is ranked third most popular and the poodle is ranked the fifth most popular breeds in America out of a total of 202 recognized breeds and nine breeds with 21 sub-varieties.
McNitt shared a story of one of her dogs, who went to the home of a child who required and still requires several heart surgeries. Additionally, this child was permitted to bring his dog into the hospital each time there was a scheduled heart surgery.
“The pup gave and still gives this child hope. When he wakes up from surgery (heart) his dog is right there helping all along- concerned for the welfare of his master- it’s a beautiful love story between a special child and his dog,” she said.
Additionally, McNitt is looking to host a fundraising/walk/reunion around May 24 in the area to raise funds for non-profit organizations, along with providing a venue for all her extended-dog families to converge on for a reunion of sorts.
“I’d like to host a 1-mile or 3-mile dog walk, fundraiser, reunion, for all my dogs to come to, ” she said. “I’m looking at Ellery Park, but I’m not sure if this would be a good venue. I’m hoping to have the event take place May 24, so I’m on time crunch. I’d like the first recipient of the money we raise from the event to go to the Chautauqua Christian Academy, then each year, we pick a different non-profit organization to sponsor.”
For more information visit goldenacres-dogs.com or call 716-969-0328