Caution Urged To Mitigate Spread Of Bird Flu

Kevin Hynes, DEC Wildlife Health Program Leader, spoke on a bird flu outbreak at a recent video conference. Photo via screenshot
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is urging caution for all who encounter sick and dead waterfowl.
A representative from the DEC Buffalo office stated that staff are aware of an “ongoing situation” in Western New York and statewide regarding sick and dead waterfowl. DEC officials urge the public to assume that birds found deceased could be positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus, commonly referred to as bird flu.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, bird flu is a “major threat to the poultry industry, animal health, trade, and the economy worldwide.” The disease varies in severity, as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) strains are deadly to domestic poultry and can wipe out entire flocks within a matter of days.
Avian influenza viruses rarely infect humans, but the DEC is urging anyone in contact with sick or dead birds to take steps to limit the risk of potential exposure.
“If you see dead birds, the first thing you should do is protect yourself. Stay away from them. You don’t want to have any direct contact with a dead bird,” said Kevin Hynes, DEC Wildlife Health Program Leader. “Certainly, a lot of the dead birds on the landscape this time of year in this particular outbreak are going to be infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza. We don’t want the opportunity for you to be infected with that.”
The DEC is working with the state Department of Agriculture & Markets, U.S. Department of Agriculture, state Department of Health, and the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab to monitor the influenza in New York.
In early 2022, it was detected in wild birds across several eastern states. In February 2022, the first case of HPAI in New York was found in Suffolk County. At present, HPAI has been detected across the entire country including much of New York State, in both waterfowl and domestic poultry.
Hynes that the DEC is receiving a lot of reports of dead birds across the state. Reports can be filed online, which are then evaluated and passed along to DEC representatives to retrieve dead birds and take the carcasses back for testing.
“Even though there are areas that we haven’t confirmed it yet, you can assume that the virus is in those areas,” Hynes said.
According to Hynes, colder months allow for the virus to remain prevalent and viable. Some infected wild birds carry the virus without getting sick, which allows the virus to continue to circulate in bird populations and through water sources.
Per a DEC official, HPAI is widespread in wild birds and mammals, so not all reports will result in DEC retrieving the animals for testing and/or disposal. In cases where DEC field staff are not responding to collect samples or carcasses from the landscape, the public should limit contact with dead wildlife and keep domestic animals away. If removal of carcasses is deemed necessary, the public is reminded to wear disposable gloves, a mask, and eye protection. Avoid direct contact with the carcass or carcass fluids by using a shovel and washing hands and clothing immediately after with soap and hot water. Carcasses should be triple bagged (garbage or contractor bags) and placed in an outdoor trash receptacle.
For owners of domestic poultry, the following symptoms are signs of HPAI: sudden death without any prior symptoms of illness; lack of energy and appetite; a drop in egg production or soft-shelled, misshapen eggs; swelling of the eyelids, comb, wattles, and shanks; purple discoloration of the wattles, comb, and legs; difficulty breathing; nasal discharge, coughing, and sneezing; twisting of the head and neck; stumbling or falling down; and diarrhea.
DEC is monitoring the occurrence and impact of HPAI across the state. Confirmed cases are listed online at More information can be found online at or by contacting the DEC regional office in Buffalo at (716) 851-7201.