
$10M Upgrade Eyed For Mayville Sewer Plant

The Chautauqua County Legislature is looking to upgrade the North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District Plant in Mayville. P-J photo by Gregory Bacon

MAYVILLE – The Chautauqua County Legislature is looking to make about $10 million worth of upgrades to the North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District Plant.

The proposed project was brought up at the legislature’s Public Facilities Committee meeting.

Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon, R-Ellery, said capacity concerns have been raised, in part because of new development on the west side of the lake.

“That plant does not have available capacity and in addition to not having available capacity, many of its components are now in need of repair or upgrade,” he said.

Because of this, Chagnon said the Sewer District Board has decided to seek grant funds for the North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District Plant.

Matt Oehlbeck, the director of the North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District Plant, said it is a 500,000 gallon per day plant. On an average day they process 320,000 gallons but during peak use, it’s much higher, particularly with snow melt or heavy rains.

“The meter only measures 2 million gallons a day and we’re maxing that meter out,” he said.

Oehlbeck said they’re still meeting the Department of Environmental Conservation regulations, “but just barely.”

He is concerned that sooner or later the DEC will require the plant to make an upgrade.

Because of this, the legislature will vote on a resolution in March, scheduling a public hearing. If approved, the public hearing would take place in April, where residents will be invited to comment on the project.

The estimated cost is $10,146,000.

According to the resolution, the county intends to finance the project through state financing and other potential grants. The estimated annual cost to be assessed to properties for these improvements is $121 if grant funding is received, which when added to the estimated average annual sewer charge will be expected to result in a maximum annual sewer charge of $737. If no grant is received, the estimated annual cost to be assessed to properties for these improvements is $241, which when added to the estimated average annual sewer charge will be expected to result in a maximum annual sewer charge of $857.

Once completed, Oehlbeck said the plant’s capacity would increase from 500,000 gallons to 750,000 gallons, a 50% increase.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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