‘Scraps Of Grace’ First Published Novel For Harmon
- Jon Harmon, of Bemus Point, has released his first novel “Scraps of Grace.” Submitted photo

For Jon Harmon, it’s been a creative journey.
A 33-year journey.
Now he has published his first novel, “Scraps Of Grace.”
“I started it, believe it or not, 33 years ago,” Harmon mused.
The idea came to him while he was enrolled in a master’s program in creative writing at the University of Detroit.

Jon Harmon, of Bemus Point, has released his first novel “Scraps of Grace.” Submitted photo
At the time, he recalled, he was living in Michigan, working at Ford Motor Company in the public relations department, and taking classes.
“And the thesis project was to write the beginning of a novel,” the Bemus Point resident said. “The first half of the novel dates back to that (time). Then, of course, I worked on it – a lot over the years.”
Although Harmon’s routine is varied, his goal is to write every day.
And he doesn’t use an outline like other authors. He uses a different plan. He creates character studies where he develops a character and details what the character is all about including birthday, clothing, car, and maybe favorite colors. Some of that material may not make the page, but he draws on that information to build a scene.
“Sometimes, I’ll make notes in the middle of the night,” Harmon said.
He noted that he may write a note, place it on the bed stand, and then when he awakens, he will give the note more attention and from those words, create some new words.
Some mornings when he does have the energy to create something new, he rewrites and edits previous material.
“So, I still work on it (current draft). It’s just not writing. It is rewriting, editing, and sharpening (my skills),” Harmon added.
He also has had his share of times where he will be working on a certain piece, it loses momentum, and it reaches a dead end.
“Sometimes I have these ideas in the middle of the night and you wake up and you look at what you scribbled, and sometimes it’s like ‘that’s great’ and other times it’s like ‘what was I thinking,'” Harmon added.
The author said that during those times when he looks at his scribbled notes that they may trigger thoughts and provide a wellspring of information from which he can draw ideas.
“The loos in 26-year-old Tyler Manion’s life has become overwhelming,” the book’s back cover reads. “The sudden death of his wife shocked him t the core. Tomorrow will be his last day at work, terminated from his corporate role at General Motors. Raising his not-quite-two-year-old son alone, he puts up a brave front, pretending to still have it all together. But Tyler has trouble focusing, and his spiritual attention deficit disorder is keeping him from any meaningful connection with the one who could help him most in his hour of need. A high school girl basketball phenom, a gruff World War II veteran, a hippie nun, and a beguilingly brainy graduate student will help him rediscover his sense of identity, and perhaps find his spiritual bearings. ‘Scraps of Grace’ opens in Michigan in the summer of 1990, a time of turmoil and of hopefulness, across the world and at home.”
“Other people” may find writing to be a chore, and they absolutely hate the task.
Not for Harmon. He loves writing.
And “Scraps of Grace” is proof of his love for the craft.
The book is available at amazon.com as well as the Good Neighbor Bookstore, located at 124 Chautauqua Ave., Lakewood.
For more information on the author, visit jonfharmon.com/novels.