Little Opposition To Kiantone, Busti Solar Project

More than 35 people attended a New York state Department of Public Service Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission (ORES) public comment meeting Wednesday at the Kiantone Independent Fire Department Inc, regarding a permit filed by York Solar Limited Liability Company (LLC) to build a major renewable energy generation facility, in the towns of Busti and Kiantone. P-J photo by Christopher Blakeslee
KIANTONE – Only one person spoke at a public forum over a proposal to build a renewable energy generation facility in Busti and Kiantone.
A public comments meeting was held Wednesday in Kiantone and was attended by more than 35 people, which resulted in the crickets outdoors making more noise than the meeting attendees. Representatives from the New York State’s Department of Public Service Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission (ORES) held a public comment meeting at the Kiantone Independent Fire Department Inc facility, regarding a permit filed by York Solar Limited Liability Company’s (LLC). The permit number is 23-03987 and is for construction and operation of a major renewable energy generation facility in the towns of Busti and Kiantone.
At 6 p.m., the meeting was officially called to order, and the “floor” was opened for public comment, not one person rushed forward to speak for or against the proposal. Because of a lack of interest, officials then closed the meeting at 6:05 p.m. to take a recess and reset for a second meeting to take place at 6:30 p.m. During the 25-minute break, a few more people made their way into the fire hall, adding to the total number.
However, at 6:30 p.m. when ORES officials called the second meeting to order and opened the floor up, again for public comment, history then repeated itself as silence once again descended upon the meeting.
However, at the last possible moment, one person, who does not reside in the towns of Kiantone or Busti, spoke against the project, saying it is a waste of time and money.
Scott Axelson said, “this doesn’t make any sense. Why support a PILOT program that doesn’t solve any issues or create any long-term jobs. Turbines and windmills are a waste of time and money. If we really want to address the energy issues, we need to be looking at a nuclear facility.”
Axelson added why he thought the proposed project was a joke.
“We have cold winters up here (Western New York.) Look at the school bus mandate that’s come down from the state,” he said. “The batteries won’t hold up in the cold, it’s going to cost a ton of money to convert some of the school repair shops to be able to service these buses and to train the mechanics to work on them – a waste of taxpayer’s money.
Axelson, then said that if there is to be an energy producing facility in the area that instead of looking to turbines that nuclear, natural gas or hydro power is the way to go.
“These short-term solutions don’t work,” said Axelson. “Investing money into these green-pilot programs is a waste of time.”
Official comments may still be submitted online by visiting, then click on project YORK SOLAR, LLC, DMM Matter number 23-02987. Click on “Public Comments” then the “Post Comments” box at the top right of the page. Next enter a comment and submit. Or by email at
Comments will be taken until 5 p.m. today.