‘Remembering Maple Springs’ Terreberry Releases Final Book In O’Brien Series
For Bob Terreberry, a late night writing routine works best.
“I hate to go to bed,” Terreberry said with a laugh.
He said with the extra time he has at night, going to bed between 8 and 9 p.m. wasn’t the answer, so he used the time to something he loves – writing.
“I don’t want to stay up (just) to stay up. … So it seems the late night, there are no interruptions, so I have the time,” Terreberry said.
And with that extra time he finished “Remembering Maple Springs,” the fourth and final book in his Colin O’Brien series.
Other books in the series include “Murder at Maple Springs,” “Reunion at Maple Springs,” and “Action at Maple Springs.”
With a gentle cajoling by a friend, Terreberry began planning out a novel.
“A friend of mine was always foisting cozy mysteries (on me), and I would read them quickly, and laugh and think ‘oh there’s entertainment’ and people want to be entertained by what they are reading,” Terreberry said.
A cozy mystery, in his opinion, is a novel where there is no foul language, no sex, and no destruction. Terreberry said he stopped reading some authors because they weren’t cozy anymore.
So, in 2016, the former teacher began the O’Brien series.
“I’ve always written for something. It just seemed logical,” he said.
Because Terreberry lives in Maple Springs, he thought it would serve as the perfect setting and backdrop for his series. He makes fictional characters come alive in a setting. He can send them anywhere in Chautauqua County because as local readers get acquainted with O’Brien, they can connect with him because they may have traveled to the same destination as him.
Terreberry said the fourth book is the ending of the series, and it’s based on the mysteries of the first three books.
“It’s memories of Maple Springs – a fictionalized history of Maple Springs. There are also some real things in there,” the author noted.
Whether satirical, sarcasm, or puns, Terreberry added the one aspect about writing he really enjoys is humor.
“I can play with words on paper. This is a vanity project and it has brought me great joy,” the author noted.
The novel is published by NFB Publishing, of Buffalo, and is available at amazon.com. On Jan. 18, Terreberry will be speaking at the Bemus Point Library, 13 Main St., bemuspointlibrary.org, and on Jan. 25 he will give a talk at the Good Neighbor Bookstore, 124 Chautauqua Ave., Lakewood.