
A Great Cause

Femmes Of Rock Performance Raises Funds For Cancer Care

The Femmes of Rock pose April 27 for an after-concert selfie at The Reg Lenna. Submitted photo

The Femmes of Rock performed for a great cause.

The proceeds of the April 27 concert at The Reg Lenna Center for the Arts went toward Italian-American Charity Golf Association cancer care initiatives at UPMC Hillman Cancer Treatment Center.

According to Joe Paterniti, concert event coordinator, $37,000 was raised.

Paterniti and his wife previously saw the band perform in North Tonawanda about a year ago and thought that would be another way to raise more funds for cancer treatment programs.

“We used to do a winter dinner dance, which raised a pretty good chunk (of money), and it kind of kick started us,” Paterniti said.

From left UPMC Chautauqua Vice President of Operations Cecil Miller, Italian-American Charity Golf Association Chairman David Munella, Concert Event Coordinator Joe Paterniti, and Tammara Hodges, UPMC Chautauqua Director, Imaging Services hold a $37,0000 I-A check donation for cancer care initiatives at UPMC Hillman Cancer Treatment Center. P-J photo by Michael Zabrodsky

“Thank you Jamestown, @reglennajamestown, @iacharitygolf and Joe Paterniti for making last night’s show possible. We were treated so well, and we were pleased to find out that somewhere between 35-40k was raised through ticket sales to benefit UPMC Hillman Cancer Care Center. We had a blast rocking out with all of you,” Femmes founder Nina DiGregorio posted to the Femmes of Rock Facebook page shortly after the show.

The Femmes of Rock are four electric string players who sing with a live 3-piece backing band with a synched immersive video experience. The band plays unique arrangements featuring the music of Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Metallica, The Who and Van Halen.

Paterniti thanked the organizations that helped with the concert including JLDC, The Pub, Dave Warren Auto Group, The Post-Journal, and Media One.

“The Pub donated all of the meals for the band. Dave Warren Auto Group provided all of the in-town transportation and transportation to the airports,” Paterniti said.

He also thanked members of the community.

“And they showed the support not only for our brand, and our organization, but (for) the hospital, which is essentially why we do that (fundraising),” Paterniti added.

The I-A Golf Association recently has announced a new commitment to purchase an additional 3D mammography unit, for the Women’s Imaging Center at UPMC Chautauqua.

Over the past 52 years, the Italian-American Charity Golf Association has raised more than $1,600,000 toward the fight against cancer.

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