Molitor Announces Running For State Assembly Seat

Andrew Molitor, Chautauqua County first assistant district attorney, is pictured with his family. Molitor announced today he is running for the 150th Assembly seat currently held by Assemblyman Andrew Goodell, R-Jamestown.
Andrew Molitor, Chautauqua County first assistant district attorney, officially announced he is running for the state Assembly seat currently held by Assemblyman Andrew Goodell.
Goodell announced earlier this week that he will be retiring at the end of this year.
“My wife and I chose this wonderful and unique place to raise our five children,” Molitor said. “It is beautiful and inviting, has great people, excellent schools, and great employers. We are invested in this community and, as your next Assemblyman, I want to fight to preserve this way of life so that our children and yours have the same amazing experience we have had in Chautauqua County — it is worth fighting for.”
Lamenting the number of “short-sighted and thoughtless laws,” Molitor said one of his priorities is to work to end policies known as “catch and release.”
“On an almost daily basis, police and prosecutors are handcuffed by these laws which favor those who break the law over victims and law-abiding citizens,” he said.
Molitor noted that courts are no longer allowed to set bail for suspected drug dealers who possess enough fentanyl to kill thousands of people at one time. Instead, he claims, drug dealers are immediately released back into the community after their arrest where they continue to sell drugs and cause more overdose deaths.
“In my job, I see the consequences of some of the dumbest and deadliest laws ever passed,” he said. “While most of us want the government to enforce the laws and hold criminals responsible, radical Democrats, doing the opposite, have caused an ever spiraling downward trend in our state.”
While the downward trend is occurring in other areas of life as well, Molitor said he has reason for hope, “We can reverse the trend by supporting law enforcement, cutting taxes, curbing government spending, reducing living expenses, redoubling our efforts to be more business-friendly, and reversing ‘sanctuary state’ policies, which seek to undermine both federal immigration law and our Constitution,” he said. “By relying on those principles which have always propelled our country forward, we can turn this ship around.”
As a prosecutor for almost 10 years, Molitor said he has successfully managed a staggering caseload, finding innovative solutions to complex problems.
“As the oldest of nine children I have had to work hard for everything in life and with that same work ethic and determination, I will be fully committed to serving our district with all my strength, energy, and ability,” he said. “I look forward to serving the people of this region and defending our shared values as our next Assemblyman.”
Michael Bobseine, a registered Democrat, has already announced his candidacy for the 150th Assembly seat while former Fredonia Mayor Doug Essek announced through a news release Friday he was seeking the Republican and Conservative endorsement as well.