
Town Of Carroll Preparing For Upcoming Total Solar Eclipse

The Carroll Town Board discussed organizational requirements, committee appointments, budgetary outline and the upcoming solar eclipse. P-J photo by Christopher Blakeslee

FREWSBURG – The upcoming solar eclipse was on everyone’s minds, along with the logistical support that needs to be in place for the expected possible influx of stargazers who will flood the town because of the proximity to the Martz-Kohl Observatory.

“We need to have a meeting soon to discuss the upcoming eclipse,” Carroll town Supervisor Russell Payne said during a recent Town Board meeting. “The event is coming up soon; logistically we need to have things in place for the influx of people we can expect.”

A total solar eclipse will cross North America on April 8, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk.

A separate meeting is scheduled for Feb. 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Carroll Town Hall to plan for the upcoming eclipse. The meeting will include the Carroll Town Board, members of the Public Safety Committee and local residents.

“It’s better to have this meeting sooner than later,” Carroll Police Chief Bill Nelson said. “I’m pretty sure the people up at the (observatory) are getting ready, too.”

Other board members also expressed some concern about the upcoming eclipse.

“Other cities have been swarmed when these events have happened,” said John Barber, a Carroll Town Board member. “We need to make sure we have good traffic control; our roads and bridges are not designed to handle massive amounts of traffic.”

Tom Traub, chairman of the 2024 Solar Eclipse Committee for the Martz-Kohl Observatory, said the total solar eclipse is set to darken the sun at about 3:18 p.m.

The observatory plans to stream a live video feed during the event and will publicize those details closer to the date. Other eclipse presentations are planned in February, March and early April.

For more information, contact the Martz-Kohl Observatory at 716-569-3689 or visit the observatory’s website at www.martzobservatory.org

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