
Outgoing County Legislators Honored With Commendations

Legislator Elisabeth Rankin received a commendation from the Chautauqua County Legislature. Also pictured is Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon, center, and County Executive PJ Wendel. P-J photo by Gregory Bacon.

MAYVILLE — A changing of the guard will take place Jan. 1 in county government.

This year five of 19 legislators will be leaving office. Kevin Muldowney, R-Dunkirk, Elisabeth Rankin, R-Jamestown, and Billy Torres, D-Jamestown were defeated in the November elections. John Davis, R-Frewsburg and John Hemmer, R-Westfield, chose not to run again.

During the December legislature meeting, commendations were given to all five members.


Muldowney has been a legislator since 2016. During his tenure he served on the Administrative Services Committee, the Audit and Control Committee, the Planning and Economic Development Committee, the Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, the Lake Erie Management Commission, the Portland-Pomfret-Dunkirk Sewer District, and the Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency Board of Directors.

Legislator John Davis, center, received a commendation from the Chautauqua County Legislature. Also pictured is Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon, left, and County Executive PJ Wendel. P-J photo by Gregory Bacon

Muldowney thanked everyone that he worked with. “It’s been a pleasure being here for eight years. I look forward to the next legislature moving on with the agenda,” he said.


Torres has been a legislator since 2022. During his tenure he served on the Human Services Committee.

He was not in attendance at the December meeting, due to an out-of-town death.

County Executive PJ Wendel thanked Torres for his service. “Billy is extremely dedicated to the youth in Chautauqua County, especially at the Eastside YMCA. I know that his time in the legislature was short, but I guarantee you he will continue to work with the youth of Chautauqua County,” he said.


Rankin has been a legislator since Jan. 1, 2015. During her tenure she served on the Human Services Committee, the Planning and Economic Development Committee, the county Board of Health, Stop-DWI Advisory Board, and with the Chautauqua County Law Library.

Rankin thanked everyone in attendance, including some of her family members. “Not only is it a great privilege to be a part of this group, it’s a great responsibility. I just want to say thank you to everybody for all you’ve done for me and keep up all the good work. God bless you all,” she said.


Davis has been a legislator since 2018. During his tenure he served on the Administrative Services Committee, the Public Facilities Committee and the Chautauqua County Landfill Commission.

He had more than a dozen family members in attendance and invited them to stand next to him as he said his farewell. “It has been an honor being a part of this legislature. This group has been supporting me the entire time. … It is a blessing to have everybody here standing with me. They’ve supported me throughout. I appreciate all of you and the opportunity to serve the residents of Chautauqua County. I believe in the six years I’ve been here we’ve made it a better place to be, to live, work and raise a family. Keep up the good work,” he said.


Hemmer has been a legislator since 2012. During his tenure he served on the Public Safety Committee, the Human Services Committee, the Public Facilities Committee, the Chautauqua County Parks Commission, the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board, the Insurance Review Committee, the Chautauqua County Airport Commission, and the Chautauqua County Land Bank Corp.

Hemmer, who was sworn in the same year as Wendel, said he was proud of his time in office. “It’s been a great honor to be able to serve Chautauqua County in the county legislature. I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve enjoyed working with this legislature. It’s really been the support and cooperation of this whole legislature that helps us to get things done. I think I’m really proud of the accomplishments of the legislature,” he said.

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