
Author Critical Of Library After Talk Canceled

A Fredonia library’s cancellation of a visit by a nationally known author is not sitting well with the writer.

Jack Cashill, who resides during the summers in Chautauqua County for the last 35 years, was told last week the Darwin R. Barker Library that it was no longer was interested in his signing and discussion on “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities.” The event was to have happened Saturday, Sept. 9.

Cashill, according to Simon & Schuster publishing company, is an independent writer and producer. He has written a dozen nonfiction books and appeared on C-SPAN’s Book TV 10 times. He also produced a score of feature-length documentaries.

He writes regularly for American Thinker, American Spectator, and WorldNetDaily and has also written for the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, the Washington Post, and the Weekly Standard. He has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies and taught at a French university under the auspices of the Fulbright program.

Cashill wrote the novel “2006: The Chautauqua Rising” in April 2000 and has written other books from a right perspective that include “What’s the Matter with California?” and “Deconstructing Obama.”

“Untenable” was discussed Sunday morning on C-SPAN’s “Book TV. A summary of the book on Amazon notes: “Long accused of racism and ‘white flight,’ the ethnic Americans driven from their homes and neighborhoods–the author included–finally get the chance to tell their side of the story.”

It was released on July 4.

Cashill was told of the cancellation of the event through an email. “We believe that the diversity of perspectives is crucial in creating a rich and informative dialogue at our library events,” said Graham Tedesco-Blair, library director, in the email. “Recent developments have led us to re-evaluate the suitability of your views and opinions for our diverse audience.”

Tedesco-Blair confirmed the cancellation in an email to the OBSERVER but did not comment further.

On Aug. 11, Cashill made his sentiments known on the website americanthinker.com. “By ‘recent developments’ – I’m guessing here – he means an ideological Karen or two called in to complain that the library was hosting someone with whom they were likely to disagree.”

According to one slang dictionary, Karen is a pejorative term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.

Since the cancellation in Fredonia, Cashill has been invited to speak at the Jamestown TEA — Totally Engaged Americans — Party Patriots meeting on Aug. 22. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and takes place at 1309 Norby Road, Jamestown.

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