
Council, Humane Society Propose Starting New Community Cat Program

A picture of a community cat in Jamestown. The Jamestown City Council discussed a new TNVR (trapping, neutering, vaccinating and returning) community cat program with Kellie Roberts, Chautauqua County Human Society’s executive director, during its meeting Monday. P-J photo by Eric Tichy

The city of Jamestown and Chautauqua County Humane Society are collaborating to start a new program to assist community cats.

On Monday, Kellie Roberts, Chautauqua County Humane Society’s executive director, discussed the proposed program with the council during its work session meeting held at Northwest Arena. Roberts said the TNVR (trapping, neutering, vaccinating and returning) program will be a two-year pilot program that will help people who want to assist stray cats in their community. She said it’s unknown how many cats will participate in the program. She added Operation Pets in Buffalo will perform the spay and neutering, which is cheaper than doing it in-house at the Human Society.

Roberts said anyone who has a community cat that they would like to participate in the program can bring the feline to the Humane Society, located at 2825 Struck Road, Jamestown, which will then transport it to Buffalo.

“We want to let people know they can do this,” she said. “We’re excited to get started.”

The council is slated to vote on an ordinance approving the program during its voting session meeting Monday, April 25. Also, the council will be voting on a resolution to approve funding $5,000 to the Humane Society for the program. Roberts said she is also hoping to receive grant funds for the program as well.

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