Pedestrian Bridge Design Team Wins Structure Award
- The eastern most pedestrian bridge over the Chadakoin River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk being installed this fall in downtown Jamestown. The two pedestrian bridges, with the other located near Panzarella Park, will be opened to the public this spring. Submitted photo
- From left, Dan Duprey Jr., Vince DeJoy, Jeff Lehman, Scott Humphrey, and Jennifer Michniewicz, accepting Structures Project of the Year award at the New York Chapter, Western Branch, of the American Public Works Association for the pedestrian bridges installed over the Chadakoin River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk. Submitted photo

The eastern most pedestrian bridge over the Chadakoin River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk being installed this fall in downtown Jamestown. The two pedestrian bridges, with the other located near Panzarella Park, will be opened to the public this spring. Submitted photo
The two pedestrian bridges installed over the Chadakoin River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk have received an award even before being opened to the public.
Clark Patterson Lee has announced the design team, which included Union Concrete & Construction Corp., as the general contractor; the city of Jamestown; and CPL, who engineered the designs; have been honored with the New York Chapter, Western Branch, of the American Public Works Association Structures Project of the Year award for a structure costing less than $5 million.
The two COR-TEN steel superstructures featuring wood decks and lighting were installed in October, with one bridge connecting the north shore and south shore of the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk and the second bridge connecting the Riverwalk’s north shore with Panzarella Park. The prefabricated sections were spliced together and set in place, with the bridge leading to Panzarella Park being 189 feet long and the bridge located below the Washington Street Bridge being 140 feet long.
“The twin pedestrian bridges has been the culmination of many years of hard work building the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk with investment by New York state and the federal government and local investment of DPW labor that will be enjoyed by many people and will serve to activate the waterfront for greater economic development opportunities,” said Vince DeJoy, city development director. “The opening of Comedy Center Park and enhancements that will be provided through the Downtown Revitalization Initiative such as decorative lighting of bridges and the BPU campus and kayak launches will also further make this area a destination as well as a means for moving people from the south side of the Chadakoin to the downtown area for employment opportunities and commerce.”
In October 2014, state officials announced the city would be receiving $1.6 million in funding for the construction of the two pedestrian bridges. The $2 million project required the city to use the $400,000 First Instance Urban Development Action Grant as the local funding match.

From left, Dan Duprey Jr., Vince DeJoy, Jeff Lehman, Scott Humphrey, and Jennifer Michniewicz, accepting Structures Project of the Year award at the New York Chapter, Western Branch, of the American Public Works Association for the pedestrian bridges installed over the Chadakoin River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk. Submitted photo
The bridges are slated to be opened to the public this spring.