
Sherman To Have New Streets Superintendent

Village trustees, at their meeting this month, accepted the resignation of Streets Superintendent William Douglas Crane, with regret and appreciation.

Crane has served as Streets Superintendent for more than 23 years, Mayor Colleen Meeder said. His letter of resignation was dated Feb. 6, and his final date of employment will be determined after the use of outstanding and accrued benefit time, she added.

Meeder praised Crane’s service to the community, noting that much of his work had been done without recognition or pay. “At all hours, in the worst of weather conditions, improvising with creative methods, William Douglas Crane has selflessly served the residents, businesses and visitors of Sherman,” she said. “Without recognition and, typically, without appreciation, he serves us all, nonetheless. There are few that match his level of self-sacrifice.”

Meeder went on to say that Crane’s involvement in the Village of Sherman went beyond his job. “Doug and the entire Crane family are engaged in a number of community organizations and committees,” she said. “His valued experience and knowledge will continue to provide input into the vision for the betterment of Sherman.”

Trustees subsequently agreed to appoint Shannon Smith as the new full time Streets Superintendent. Smith is currently in training for the position, Meeder said. “New hires Shannon Smith and Hunter Kochanowski will be working across departments with their experienced mechanical skills, welding, concrete work and equipment operation,” she said.

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