
Sherman Hears Update On Capital Project

SHERMAN — Sherman school board members are getting a better look at the district’s capital project approved by voters in May 2023.

Representatives from the architectural firm Young & Wright spoke to board members recently. Mike McCarthy, Senior Project Coordinator, Bill Battaglia, Senior Project Coordinator, and Vika Melnykova, Project Coordinator presented various aspects of the $11.95 million project via Zoom. The project was approved by voters in May 2023.

McCarthy led off with a review of the first-floor work. This will include HVAC upgrades, the cafeteria renovations, as well as some masonry repair near the office, he said. Additionally, the project will involve replacing the folding gym partition with one that rolls down from the ceiling.

“This will help you change gym classes more quickly,” he said.

Upgrades to the cafeteria will involve an open serving line and a new kitchen, using most of the existing equipment.

“We created a cafeteria that is fully functional and visually appealing,” he said.

The existing cafeteria will be transformed into two classrooms and a hall, as well as storage and auxiliary space, McCarthy said.

Work on the outside of the building will include repointing the masonry, McCarthy said. Also, there will be considerable work done on the exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS), which is the cladding system that provides exterior walls with an insulated, water-resistant finish surface.

“Basically, we are fixing things that are damaged,” he said.

Battaglia spoke about work on the second floor, including carpet replacement and the new STEM addition. He noted the district will be taking care of work on the STEM lab and a new bathroom to keep costs down.

Battaglia also talked about the addition that will be built onto the existing building.

“Basically, we are building a box off of the current building,” he said. “This area will house the wood shop, metal shop and computer space.”

McCarthy said the project is currently in review by the state Education Department.

“As soon as that happens, we will be going out to bid,” he said. “There are a lot of moving pieces that we need to schedule.”

McCarthy said if everything goes according to schedule, there should be some basic construction this summer, light construction during the school year, and heavy construction next summer.

In other business, District Superintendent Carrie Yohe recommended that the board approve the hiring of a Clerk of the Works for the project at a cost of $175,000. The board subsequently awarded the bid for the position to Square Engineering.

Yohe also recommended the board review the tuition policy for students outside the district. She noted that the calculation for tuition costs has changed each year because of state aid.

“We can look at going a little higher, due to increased costs,” Yohe said. “The district needs to look at this number every year, depending on whether or not we get 100% of foundational aid.”

In other matters, board members approved a Senior High Choir and Band trip to Cleveland from May 2 to 4. They also approved retirement incentives for all members of the Sherman Teachers’ Association and the CSEA, as per memorandum of agreements with those organizations.

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