
Chautauqua To Continue Revised Spring Trash Collection

The Chautauqua Town Highway Department is once again planning on having residents bring their spring cleanup trash to a collection point instead of visiting individual homes this year.

For several years, the town highway department would visit homes outside of the village of Mayville during its annual spring cleanup week. However, last year, Highway Superintendent Terry Sanden said he wanted to change that policy and instead have residents bring their trash to the highway department, where the trash would be placed in dumpsters.

He cited safety issues and cost savings for the change.

During the March town board meeting, Councilman Tom Carlson said he received some complaints about the change.

“It did have an impact. Who it impacted were mainly the elderly people who didn’t have family to get stuff there and didn’t have a vehicle to get stuff there. I think you ought to go back to the way it was,” he said.

Sanden disagreed.

“Looking out for the safety of my employees, I just don’t see how we can do that,” he said.

Carlson noted there hasn’t been an accident in 50 years, but Sanden responded, saying there have been close calls.

Carlson also said he thought last year the Highway Department was going to offer special pickup for residents who were unable to get their trash to the highway barns, but that never happened.

Sanden said if they were going to visit an individual home, the town should charge that person $90. He came up with that price by the cost of two highway employees plus the cost of mileage for the vehicle.

Carlson didn’t support that price.

“I’m talking about serving the public, serving the taxpayer,” he said.

After further discussion, Sanden said he doesn’t plan on making any changes this year.

“If it’s my department, I’m going to do it the same way I did it last year,” he said.

No other elected officials commented on the topic.

The spring clean-up is scheduled for May 3-10, excluding Sunday. Residents will need to bring their trash to 50 Patterson St., Mayville. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for weekdays.

The spring clean-up policy does not apply to village residents, as Mayville has its own spring cleanup pick up.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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