Chautauqua Lake sewer extension expected to cost $35.5M
MAYVILLE – County officials are moving ahead with another sewer extension around Chautauqua Lake.
During the recent legislature meeting, county lawmakers scheduled a public hearing to take place March 26 at 6:35 p.m. on the third floor of the Gerace Office Building in Mayville for a sewer extension to run from Midway Park to Point Chautauqua. This will take place during the March legislature meeting.
According to the resolution, the sewer extension is expected to cost $35,590,000.
During a committee meeting the week before, Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon said the public hearing is needed so the county can apply for grants for the sewer district. He said they have to apply for the grants by June 1.
The county right now is conservatively estimating that it can get 50% of the costs covered by the state.
Should that happen, the county is estimating the cost would be $1,282 annually per residential housing unit.
This does not include the cost for connecting to the system, which can vary from $4,000 to $6,000.
Chagnon said they are hoping the state will give higher than 50%. “Recent sewer projects in this region have been receiving far more than 50% funding,” he said.
In a previous interview, Chagnon said if the funding by the state is approved he expects construction will take place in 2026 or 2027.
Once this project is complete, all of Chautauqua Lake will be on public sewers.
In other business:
– The county accepted a $5.75 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned housing for rental or owner occupants. The grant runs from 2025-2029.
– The legislature agreed to spend $170,000 from interest earned from its American Rescue Plan Act funds to increase security at the Gerace Office Building.
– The county Public Defender’s Office was approved to lease an additional 664 square feet at Dunkirk City Hall. The lease will run through Dec. 31, 2027.
– Basil & Bones, Inc. was approved to lease the restaurant space at the Jamestown airport. The lease will continue until March 31, 2026.
– The Chautauqua County Office for Aging Services was approved to rent the Williams Center at State University at Fredonia on May 22 for a countywide Senior Expo event.
– Robert Dando of Fredonia was reappointed to the Parks Commission.
– Alexander Pickett of Stow was appointed to the county Landfill Commission.
– Nathan Stock of Jamestown was appointed to the Airport Commission.
– Virginia Harper of Dunkirk was appointed to the Aging Advisory Council.
– Amanda Gesing of Lakewood was appointed to the county Community Service Board.
– March 17-21 was proclaimed Agricultural Literacy Week in Chautauqua County.