Busti Undertaking Tax Reassessment
BUSTI – The town of Busti is in the process of conducting a town wide revaluation for the 2025 tax year.
Over time, the value of property changes, depending on sales, condition, location, etc. Some values change more rapidly than others. Reassessment is the only way to be sure that all property is being assessed fairly and similarly to comparable properties. The equalization rate for the town of Busti has dropped to 65% as the last reassessment took place in 2014. Assessment staff will conduct field reviews of each individual property and notification of the preliminary assessments will be mailed in early March 2025. The notices will contain an estimated tax liability using the new assessment and minimal tax levy adjustment. There will be an informal pamphlet with tax bill notices to assist taxpayers through the entire process.
Information will be available on the municipal website to help determine if an assessment is reasonable. The first opportunity to contest a new proposed assessment will be through an informal review process which will be open to property owners during specified dates in the month of April. This allows property owners to challenge the new proposed value of their property; however, evidence must be presented, such as a recent appraisal by a state-certified appraiser, recent sales of similar properties, or evidence of property condition, for a reduction to be considered. The review boards will make a determination and notify the property owners by mail in early May.
A second opportunity for assessment review is the formal complaint with the Town of Busti Assessment Review on the appointed Grievance Day in May.