
YWCA Walk To Benefit Transitional Housing Expansion

Katy Castro and Javier Castro and their children are pictured during the YWCA’s Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser walk in 2023. Submitted photo

The Young Women’s Christian Association of Jamestown is set to add a twist to this year’s Coldest Night of the Year Walk.

The YWCA’s annual, mobile, “chilly” fundraising endeavor, is set to take place Feb. 22 and will begin and end at the Winter Garden Plaza in Jamestown. Registration begins at 4 p.m. and the walk begins at 5 p.m.

“Last year’s CNOY event raised more than $15,000 for the YWCA’s Transitions Supportive Housing Program. This vital program provides housing and case management support services for single women and women with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Transitional housing provides a unique and critical component in addressing homelessness by offering up to two years of stable housing paired with supportive case management. This approach allows women to stabilize their lives, develop essential skills, and achieve goals that enable them to secure and maintain long-term permanent housing. Through personalized support, case managers assist clients in accessing resources and unlocking their full potential, empowering them to build a foundation for lasting success,” said Jacqueline Cook, the YWCA’s program director (Choosing Action.)

As previously reported in a Jan. 25, Post-Journal story, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said that “homelessness in New York state has grown sharply, more than doubling between January 2022 and January 2024,” said DiNapoli. “Homelessness grew by 53 percent from January 2023 to January 2024, more than four times the rest of the nation. The large spike was driven by New York City and the influx of asylum seekers, but the rest of the state also had double- and triple-digit rate increases, led by Glens Falls, Saratoga and the surrounding counties.”

Additionally, locally, the numbers of homeless or unhoused people are bleak according to DiNapoli’s report.

Amanda Gesing, YWCA executive director, said the YWCA is nearly ready to double the capacity for its Transitional Housing Program through a partnership with First Lutheran Church in Jamestown.

“Because of a grant the YWCA received from HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) from COI (Chautauqua Opportunities Inc) we will expand our Transitional Housing Program to include space for six more women and up to four more children, starting in June,” Gesing said.

“We are working to almost double our capacity. They (First Lutheran Church) have a parsonage that they are going to rent to us to provide additional transitional housing beds for women and children,” she said. “Those who join us on our CNOY walk will have the opportunity to tour some of the house and learn more about our planned expansion of the service.”

Gesing said that the CNOY fundraiser is an integral part of funding for the YWCA’S Transitional Supportive Housing program. To register for the event visit cnoy.com. For more information call 716-488-2237.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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