Training Approval On Council Agenda
Training seems to be the name of the game for the city council voting session Monday night.
On the agenda, three separate resolutions are focused on trainings of either a city police officer or fire department battalion chief.
Battalion Fire Chiefs Ryan Roush and Shawn Shilling are asking to attend the state Office of Fire Prevention and Control – Fire Officer III Training Course, to be held at the Erie County Fire Training Center, from Feb 24, through Feb 28.
According to the City Council agenda, the state Department of Civil Service requires administrative chief officers of a career firefighting organization to meet minimum training requirements as set forth in Section 58(a) of the Civil Service Law. The New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control has made training available to meet these requirements, which includes Fire Officer Levels I, II and III. Courses are offered tuition-free via outreach educational programs through the NYS Academy of Fire Science.
On Dec. 21, 2018, Chapter 406 of the Laws of 2018 amended Civil Service Law Section 58(a) to include minimum qualifications for chief officers of municipal fire departments that employ five or more career firefighters. The requirements apply to the provisional or permanent appointment of a paid fire chief, on or after Jan. 20, 2019, in the competitive, non-competitive, unclassified, exempt or other classifications as defined by New York State Civil Service Law.
“There are currently two individuals in Chautauqua County that have that training,” Coon said. “I am one of them, and Fredonia’s fire chief.” said Matt Coon, deputy city fire chief during a Public Safety Committee meeting.
Training requests have also been submitted for K-9 Officer James Latimer to attend the 2025 Canine Week to be held in Oriskany from April 28 through May 2 and police officers Zach Sandberg and Luke Munella to attend the New York Tactical Training Conference and Expo to be held April 14 through April 18 in Verona.
Also included in the voting session agenda for Monday’s meeting are the approval of the payment of public improvement bonds, the authorization of awarding the engineering consultant for the Bridge NY Culvert Rehabilitation/Replacement Water Street over Minnow Brook Project, to Greenman-Pedersen Inc., the purchase of a new excavator for the Public Works Department and the installation of one new light fixture on the corner of Glenview and West Virginia.
The only other item on this month’s voting session agenda falls under new business and is the approval of the suspension of a hiring freeze for the department of Public Works to hire one new laborer. The position is noted to be vacant as the result of a recent termination.
The council meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the council chambers on the second floor of City Hall.