
Helping Others

Formerly Homeless Man Recognized For Progress

James Coon was recognized for his accomplishments at the January recovery luncheon of the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County. He is pictured receiving a certificate from Dianne Valvo, Mental Health Association activities and public relations manager.

A formerly homeless man was recognized by the Mental Health Association of Chautauqua County for his progress during a recent recovery luncheon.

At the MHA’s January luncheon, Executive Director Michael Nordin announced and had certificates for two participants who have secured employment. Dianne Valvo, activities and public relations manager, presented a certificate to James Coon for his recent accomplishments.

A Rochester native, Coon experienced a period of homelessness in Buffalo before coming to Jamestown last April. Through his contact with MHA, Coon learned about the Goodskills Career Builder program on the Jamestown Community College campus that provides free targeted skills training and job placement services into higher wage careers. Walking to the college from the west side of the city, he completed the four-week Goodskills program and received certification in cybersecurity and OSHA 10. He then rode the CHQ buses to and from Dunkirk to complete the 12-week, in-person, hands-on Industrial Maintenance Technician program at the JCC North County campus.

Coon said coming to the MHA’s Jamestown Recovery Center provides not only support and encouragement but also a place where he has had basic resources like a phone and computer so he could “get things done.” He is grateful for the support especially of Valvo, whose smile and mannerisms he says remind him of his now deceased mother.

Finance Manager Jill Marsh announced the winner of the monthly backpack drawing.

Participant Mike Norberg offered the blessing before the meal.

Bonnie Weber of Be The Change You Want To See In Jamestown and her volunteers prepared and served a chili lunch. They included George Brightman, Jayne Carlson, Diane Lamer, Bill Schmidt, and Dereck Taylor.

All are welcome to the recovery luncheons held at 1 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month at the Jamestown recovery center in the Gateway Building, Door 14, at 31 Water Street. The luncheon and all MHA services are free.

The Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County is a peer recovery center offering support groups and individual coaching for people looking to improve their lives, deepen wellness, thrive in recovery, or support those on a recovery path. Peers use their personal stories to help people find recovery in their own lives in their own way.

The MHA commits to radical acceptance, empowerment, and advocacy for community members who struggle with mental health and substance use.

MHA’s Jamestown recovery center is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hours for the north county center at Grace Lutheran Church, 601 Eagle St., Dunkirk, are Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Fridays for the Wellness and Recovery group.

To learn more about the Mental Health Association, call 716-661-9044 or visit MHAChautauqua.org or facebook.com/MHAChautauqua. A schedule with descriptions of MHA’s dozens of groups and classes is at MHAChautauqua.org/groups.

To receive MHA newsletters and communications, send an email to MHAChautauqua.org/email.

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