
CDBG Money Available To Help Falconer Homeowners

FALCONER – The village of Falconer has grant money available to help low- and moderate-income homeowners make home repairs.

The Community Development Block Grant funds were awarded through the state Office of Community Renewal to assist nine homeowners living in the village. Money can be used for necessary repairs such as replacing old windows and doors, repairing or replacing roofs, repairing porches and entries, electrical, plumbing or heating system repairs, water and sewer laterals. Anything that is necessary to assure the health and safety of the occupant and/or the structural integrity of the home is eligible, including modifications such as wheelchair ramps and walk-in showers. The program does not provide money to remodel. In all cases, the property will be made lead-safe as part of the work that is done.

Eligible homeowners must live in Falconer, the home must be a primary, year-round residence, and all taxes and mortgages (if applicable) must be current. In addition, income guidelines are: household of one – $46,800; household of two – $53,450; household of three – $60,150; household of four – $66,800. Adjustments continue to be made as household size increases. These maximum allowable incomes include the gross (before taxes) income of all members of the household over the age of 18, whether they are related or not and regardless of their willingness to contribute to household expenses.

The village of Falconer has contracted with Chautauqua Home Rehabilitation and Improvement Corporation. For more information or an application, call CHRIC at 716-753-4650.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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