
Multiple Resolutions Focused On Safety Set For Approval At Council Voting Session

Safety will be on the minds of the members of the City Council as they look to approve multiple safety-oriented resolutions during Monday’s voting session.

Two of the resolutions focus on an ongoing issue that has been a discussion at some of the past few city council meetings, allowing for the suspension of the hiring freeze for the Jamestown Police Department to hire five new police officers and one new court security officer. The need to hire these five new officers comes following multiple discussions at previous meetings regarding the current manpower problem the department is having. Specifically, the department is down to 58 officers from the budgeted for 62 or normal amount of 65. Hiring these five officers from the academy will help with this ongoing issue.

Three other safety focused resolutions on the agenda look at the establishment of a Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program by the city’s fire department. The resolutions look at the purchasing of equipment for the planned public outreach portion of the program and the purchasing and installation of one thousand carbon monoxide detectors. The detectors are expected to be installed in the homes of low and moderate income residents in the city, including the elderly, disabled and veterans, and will be installed by the fire department’s Fire Prevention Bureau.

Another resolution allows for the entrance into an agreement with the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation for the installation of security cameras for monitoring at Terrace Park and Wintergarden Plaza, and one other safety focused resolution looks to approve the installation of a new LED fixture on a BPU pole on Norton Avenue.

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