
Legislature Approves JCC Asbestos Funding

Jamestown Community College has been granted permission to use funds previously designated to tear down the old School 7 to help cover asbestos abatement costs.

During the recent Chautauqua County Legislature meeting, lawmakers agreed to transfer $87,500, which was originally to be used for demolition to instead cover asbestos removal, which has already taken place.

No comments were made during the full legislature meeting, but during a committee meeting, there was a long discussion if JCC should have approached the county before doing the work.

Katheen Dennison, who previously worked for the county and now is the interim Vice President of Finance for JCC, noted the county originally had set aside the money back in 2012 for demolishing the building but the work was stopped by the state Historic Office for Historic Preservation.

Because of this, JCC removed asbestos from the structure so it could sell it.

Dennison noted that the college should have sought permission to repurpose the funds before doing the abatement and said if the county decided not to reimburse JCC, the college would have to find the money in its own budget.

She noted that this project is partially funded by the county and partially by the state. With the state, they don’t require as much details for transferring funds as the county does.

She called the county’s desire for more details “appropriate.”

Legislator Dan Pavlock, R-Ellington, said that he would like to have a conversation in the future with JCC about getting appropriate details when spending requests are made.

County Finance Director Kitty Crow said she believes JCC should be as specific as other county-run departments when seeking funding.

Dennison didn’t disagree and said there are new leaders at the college and will work with them to address the legislature’s concerns.

In other business:

— Stephanie Stevens of Fredonia was reappointed to the county Ethics Board.

— John Healy of Bemus Point was appointed to the county Industrial Development Agency Board of Directors.

— Penn Border Aviation, LLC was approved to lease office space for $100 a month at the Chautauqua County Airport in Jamestown.

— Chase Aviation Company, LLC was approved to lease office space for $575 a month at the Jamestown airport.

— The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles was approved to use the main parking lot at the Jamestown airport for Commercial Drivers License testing on a daily basis. The DMV will pay the county $1,250 a year.

— The legislature approved enhanced police services in Ripley for $35,000 and in Charlotte for $4,000. These are both renewal agreements.

— The legislature approved court security detail for the towns of North Harmony, Kiantone, Stockton, Ellery, Poland, Charlotte, Mina, and Sheridan at an hourly rate of $35.71.


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