
City Eyes Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program

The Jamestown Fire Department is looking to begin a Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program, and multiple equipment purchases are on the agenda to be approved by the city council during Monday’s meeting.

It is noted on the agenda that as a part of the department’s commitment to advancing public safety through community outreach, fire prevention initiatives and public education, there has long been a desire to start a program such as this. To help prevent city residents from carbon monoxide poisoning, the JFD is looking to install 1,000 combination smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the homes of those in the city considered to be most at risk. JFD’s Fire Prevention Bureau is also looking to begin community outreach educational programs on the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning and the importance of these detectors for Kindergarten through 12th grade students in the city.

Funding for this planned program came from a grant received in July from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, totaling $176,297.23. The goal of the program is to provide Carbon Monoxide Detectors and community education through outreach to city residents, schools, home-based service agencies, and residential facilities. All installations will be coordinated by JFD members of the Fire Prevention Bureau and priority status will be given to low-income, moderately low-income, elderly, disabled and veterans.

Three resolutions are on the council’s agenda that connect to this program for Monday’s meeting. The first asks for entrance into a purchase agreement with the Home Depot for Community Outreach educational furniture, equipment and supplies. The second looks to enter into a purchase agreement with the Home Depot for tools for installation of these carbon monoxide detectors and the third looks for approval to enter into a purchase agreement with DiVal Safety Equipment, Incorporated for the procurement of 1,000 carbon monoxide detectors.

The council’s Housing Committee meets at 6:30 p.m. in the police training room on the fourth floor of City Hall. The Finance (mayor’s fourth floor conference room), Public Safety (police training room) and Public Works (Development Department conference room) committees meet at 7 p.m.

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