
Welcome Party: New Neighbors Coalition Celebrates World Refugee Day With Festival

The Sukanya Burman Dance company provided dance and movement lessons as part of an artistic lens to celebrate the dance of community, Saturday, at the Wintergarden Plaza as part of the World Refugee Day celebration. Submitted photos

World Refugee Day was celebrated in style and class.

For the third year in a row, more than 120 event goers descended upon the Wintergarden Plaza on Saturday to celebrate and honor the culture, art, food and history of Jamestown’s refugees and immigrants. The event included more than 40 individuals designated as new neighbors – some who appeared and set up ethnic table displays, brought baked goods and performed music and art demonstrations.

Some of the program offerings for event attendees included, Congolese donuts called maandazi; elaborate henna tattoos; the making of friendship bracelets in three different languages; the sipping of traditional, authentic Afghan tea and an offering of Syrian sweets. Additionally, the Sukanya Burman Dance company provided an artistic, highly interactive dance and movement celebration during the event.

According to sukanyaburman.com the dance troop is a non-profit contemporary dance company, located in Jamestown, that mobilizes the expressive techniques of Indian diasporic dances and modern dance to explore compelling ideas and create shared visual experiences.

“Those dancers – Sukanya Burman Dance Company- were amazing. Their movements flowed, were elegant and graceful,” said Grace Lindquist a native of Jamestown. “The art, beauty and passion shown by the dancers is a real credit to their art, the dedication and hard work they must put in to become so proficient at it.”

More than 120 people attended the Saturday’s observation and celebration of World Refugee Day, from 11 to 2 p.m. at the Wintergarden Plaza and was sponsored by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and Zion Covenant Church

Beyond the festive atmosphere, children were taken into consideration as well during this festival.

The Sprouts Tent of the Jamestown Public Market and the New Neighbors Coalition read children’s books on immigrants to kids in attendance, and handed out free $2 sprout bucks to children to give access to fresh, local fruit and vegetables. Also a summer reading program challenge stated which rewards children and adults with gift cards to get free ice cream for those who read a pre-designated book list.

The celebration was partnered with Journey End’s Refugee Services, the YWCA of Jamestown and Jamestown Community College.

“I was so proud of how our community welcomed our new neighbors at the World Refugee Celebration. My heart was so full as I watched the beautiful interactions between those who have made Jamestown for generations and those who have just arrived,” said Janet Chew, the World Refugee Event chair.

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