City Political Parties Endorse Candidates For Office
The City Council candidates for November’s election were announced by both the Jamestown City Republican Committee and the Jamestown City Democratic Party over the weekend.
A press release by the Jamestown City Republican Committee explained that the committee met recently to determine a list of candidates to endorse ahead of the 2023 elections.
“We are excited by our full slate of Republican candidates for Jamestown City Council for the second election in a row,” City Councilman and Republican Committee Chairman Brent Sheldon, R-Ward I, said.
The Jamestown City Republican Committee is endorsing incumbent City Council members Brent Sheldon, R-Ward I, Anthony Dolce, R-Ward II, William Reynolds, R-Ward V, Andrew Faulkner, R-Ward VI, Jeff Russell, R-At Large, and Randall Daversa, R-At Large.
The Republican Committee is also endorsing Robert Reedy, an Air Force veteran and the owner of Elite Kreations for Ward III, Joseph Paterniti, a former receiving clerk employed by SKF USA for Ward IV, and Russell Bonfiglio, a YMCA board member and former labor crew chief for the Department of Public Works for councilman at large.
Republican County Legislature candidates include incumbents Jamie Gustafson from District 10, David Wilfong from District 11 and Elisabeth Rankin from District 12. Other Republican County Legislature candidates include Phillip Landy, a retired SKF USA employee and property maintenance employee at The Resource Center for District 9 and Joseph Tickle, a truck driver and former NACO Express dispatcher for district 12.
In addition to these candidates, the Jamestown City Republican Committee recently announced its endorsement of City Councilwoman Kim Ecklund, R-At Large, for mayor.
“The 2021 election gave a Republicans a super majority on City Council after a majority in 2019 for the first time in many years,” Sheldon said. “We hope to continue our majority and elect a Republican Mayor with Kimberly Ecklund in this year’s election with new and fresh ideas.”
Along with the list of 2023 candidates, Sheldon also announced that any potential Republican primary election will be held on Tuesday, June 22.
The Jamestown City Democratic Committee also unveiled its list of endorsed candidates for the November election over the weekend.
“I am excited to lift up candidates that are focused on Jamestown’s future,” Jamestown City Democratic Committee Chairwoman Alyssa Porter said. “Our team celebrates the progress of the last four years under Mayor Sundquist’s leadership and we recognize the urgency of continuing this important work. With a united team, focused on progress, we are ready to serve our community through cohesive leadership and action. It is time to put elected officials in office who prioritize community first in local government.”
Porter announced that the Jamestown City Democratic Committee is endorsing incumbents Regina Brackman, D-Ward III, and Marie Carrubba, Ward IV, for City Council.
The Democratic Committee is also endorsing Isaiah Rashad II, a writer an public speaker for councilman at large, Alyssa Porter, the director of youth and family programs at Chautauqua Institution for councilwoman at large, Kaycee Colburn, a Creatives Rebuild NY resident artist at Jamestown Community College for Ward V, and Vanessa Weinert, a former council member for Ward VI.
Democratic County legislature candidates include Billy Torres for District 9, Julie Jackson-Forsberg for District 10, Fred Larson for District 12, and Tom Nelson for District 13.
Democratic candidate John LaMancuso, a local attorney, is also running for the position of city court judge.
While Mayor Eddie Sundquist announced his reelection campaign in January, the Jamestown City Democratic Party officially announced its endorsement of Sundquist over the weekend as well.
“This past weekend, I was unanimously endorsed by the Jamestown City Democratic Party to run for my second term as mayor,” Sundquist said. “Leading Jamestown these past four years has been enormously rewarding, and I am ready to lace up my shoes and knock some doors. I am proud to head a ticket with some incredible people dedicated to moving Jamestown forward. They all share a vision of Jamestown that puts people first.”