
Sherman Wastewater Plant Work Proceeding

The Village of Sherman Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvement project has been proceeding on schedule with only a few change orders.

SHERMAN — At their regular meeting, Sherman Village Board members approved a resolution to revise the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project to cover cost of using a different material for its aeration piping.

Sherman Mayor Colleen Meeder reported that the original plan called for a ductile iron pipe to be used for the blowers into the sequencing batch reactor. However, the village has not been able to obtain this type of pipe, as it is not available in the United States.

Meeder reported that all materials for the project must be USA stamped and American and Iron Steel certified to meet the federal funding requirements.

“We are already nine months into waiting, without any date of availability,” Meeder said. “We had considered PVC that is rated for 200 degrees, but that does not meet the specifications . . . therefore, to meet the specifications of the plant and potential blower temperatures, we will process a change order for schedule 40 and schedule 80 steel pipe, which all must AIS to meet the federal grant requirements.”

Meeder said this is the first change order of any scope or cost to the project. She went on to say that 3″ unlined ductile iron pipe is an uncommon size. However, “the design requires this size pipe for pressure and velocity.”

The Village of Sherman Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvement project has been proceeding on schedule with only a few change orders. Submitted photos

The cost of the change order is $76,881.

“This is not an engineering or contractor error, but simply a supply issue,” Meeder said. “So other material had to be sought.”

In another matter, Meeder reported on a meeting she had with the New York State Empire State Development in Buffalo on October 6 regarding the New York Forward application. She was accompanied by Nicole Cleary and Matt Zarbo of Barton & Loguidice.

Meeder said she gave a 15-minute presentation before the members of the WNY Regional Economic Development Council and the Empire State Development, in which she answered the questions: Why do you think your community is ready for this opportunity?; What makes your community unique?; an What are your big ideas if you receive the award?

Meeder said she began her presentation by stressing how Sherman is not in the middle of nowhere. Rather, “it is in the middle of everything.,” she said. She then presented the five-year plan of the village, which includes the wasterwater treatment plant improvement project, the Drinking Water and Stormwater Study, and several other projects which make up the village’s Comprehensive Plan.

The “big idea,” Meeder said, is to have Sherman designated as a Trail Town.

“The concept plans are nothing new or sensational, but practical application of what we know has been proven with economic development around trail systems,” she said.

The New York Forward Program is intended to invigorate and enliven downtown areas in New York’s smaller and rural communities. The village has applied for a New York Forward grant of up to $4.5 million.

In a related matter, trustees passed a resolution postponing the Restore New York application until January 2023. The purpose for the postponement is to create a thorough, well-prepared application, Meeder said.

Board members also voted to accept a quote of $13,450 for paving of the unfinished driveway approaches at 108 Willard Street, 106, 108 and 114 East Avenue, 143 Park Street and the driveway on Kipp and West Main Street.

Trick or Treat hours were set for 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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