
New Sketches Released In 1980s Unsolved Murder

An updated forensic sketch of Ellery Jane Doe, who was found after being beaten and shot on the side of Interstate 86 on Dec. 12, 1983, is pictured.

The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office Unsolved Crimes Unit has released new sketches in the unsolved murder case of Ellery Jane Doe.

The unidentified woman arrived in Chautauqua County on or about Dec. 12, 1983. After being beaten and shot, she was left in Ellery on the eastern edge of Route 17, now Interstate 86, in a rain-filled ditch on the side of the road. She was a mother, possibly leaving behind a child or children who would now be in their early or late 40s or early 50s.

The Unsolved Crimes Unit said in a news release that Ellery Jane Doe left some identifiable clothes, includin extensive gold dental work from Europe, expensive clothing, a rain coat from Germany, and a skirt, blouse and camisole from Italy.

New work by the FBI indicates Ellery Jane Doe’s DNA links her to The Netherlands, Belgium and Western Germany. She also left a note in her pocket from a British Canadian motel, and new research indicates the numbers on the note may match up to three phone numbers of Canadian airlines or Thomas Brothers map location codes.

Ellery Jane Doe was petite with curly dark hair, brown eyes and distinctive marks on her left eye, face and behind her left ear.

Pictured are the clothes found on Ellery Jane Doe the night she was found.

Anyone with information on who Ellery Jane Doe may be, where she is from or any family contact information is asked to email the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office at unsolvedchautauqua@sheriff.us, leave a message on the Unsolved Chautauqua Faceboo kpage or call 716-753-4579 or 716-753-4578.

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