Managers In Sheriff’s Office May Get Salary Range Increase
Some managers in the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office may get their salary ranges adjusted, which would allow them to get higher pay.
The legislature’s Administrative Services Committee this week heard about a proposed local law that would modify the salary range for the undersheriff, captain, warden and corrections lieutenant.
The undersheriff’s range is currently $62,018 to $95,183. It would increase to $69,154 to $110,511. The captain’s current range is $58,714 to $90,076. It would increase to $65,313 to $100,293. The warden’s current range is $55,411 to $84,965. It would increase to $62,018 to $95,183. The corrections lieutenant range is currently $52,111 to $79,852. It would increase to $58,714 to $90,076.
Human Services Director Jean Riley discussed the local law at the committee meeting. She noted that in October, the legislature approved a new contact with the Sheriff Supervisors Association.
“As we went through the contract negotiations starting with the CCSSA and the salary increases we provided to the deputy sheriff’s, that ultimately had an impact throughout their entire structure, what ultimately gets you to the management level,” she said.
Riley noted that all of the employees that are in these titles are at at the top of their range, except for warden, who is expected to be at the top of the range next year.
According to Riley, if the legislature doesn’t adjust the ranges, the top level managers will not be able to get a pay increase. “There would be zero opportunity for them to get a raise,” she said.
Riley also said that if the legislature does not adjust the ranges, in 2022 the deputy sheriff sergeants would make more than the corrections lieutenant, who is their supervisor. In 2023, the deputy sheriff sergeants would make more than the warden. In 2024 and 2025, the deputy sheriff sergeants would make more than the captain.
For the undersheriff salary, Riley said they surveyed 32 counties in the state. The average pay in the 32 counties is $99,900 while the median undersheriff salary is $98,000. “Our undersheriff is a few thousand below that,” she said.
According to the county budget director, Kathleen Dennison, the sheriff budgeted for the higher raises in his 2022 spending plan. The local law needs to be passed before he can consider enacting the raises.
The full legislature will vote on the local law at its next meeting which is set for Dec. 15.