
JPS Board Announces 2021-22 Student Members

JHS seniors Madison Arthurs and Annika Spitzer were named student representatives to the Jamestown Board of Education for the 2021-22 school year.

The Jamestown Board of Education has appointed two ex-officio student board members, Madison Arthurs and Annika Spitzer, for the 2021-22 school year.

Madison and Annika are seniors at Jamestown High School. Their term begins July 1, 2021 and ends on June 30, 2022.

“It is important that students know that they have a voice with the Board of Education. We had a very successful first three years with our student representatives,” said Paul Abbott, Jamestown Board of Education president. “I hope our student body continues to utilize this opportunity and supports Madison and Annika by giving them their suggestions and input. I also hope their presence sends a message to all students that they are welcome at any Board of Education meeting because they are the reason we do what we do.”

The new Student Board of Education representatives are very involved at JHS. Annika is the co-president of Student Council, co-public relations officer of JHS Honor Society, a member of the JHS A Cappella choir, Student Organization and currently is representing the school at Empire Girls State. Madison is the executive assistant for Class Council, co-public relations officer for National Honor Society, plays the cello in Chamber Orchestra, and was involved in Battle of the Classes where she helped the juniors win the art portion of the battle.

Both students are excited to start their term on the Board of Education.

“I saw this position as a great opportunity to strengthen my involvement in my community and discover some of the inner-workings of the Board that many may not see,” said Madison.

“Having the opportunity to be a voice for my peers, advocate for necessary changes, and be active in the planning process of events, it is an honor to join the Board reps,” said Annika. “I cannot wait to see what the upcoming school year has to offer and what I can offer to it.”

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