Upstate cities have been struggling to reinvent their downtowns since the 1980s. Once small and major retail moved out, so did a lot of the car and foot traffic.
It was an exodus that left the once thriving and bustling sections of the business district less energized while looking a bit ...
Defense! Defense! Defense!
The chant was a uniting factor for more than 650 Jamestown Jackals event attendees Thursday afternoon at the Basketball Super League’s game held at the Jamestown Community College’s Fitness Complex.
The Basketball Super League game was sponsored by the ...
Love INC. will host its eighth annual Ministers March Mania fundraiser at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 15, in the Falconer High School gymnasium.
The game pits pastors from area churches in a basketball game to benefit those served through Love INC of Southern Chautauqua County. Love INC.’s ...
FALCONER - The case of the multiple, missing shopping carts, from the Tops Friendly Market in Falconer has been solved – sort of.
On a Facebook post dated Feb. 9, in a Falconer Neighborhood Watch Group, the store’s manager said she was looking for help finding about 20 shopping carts ...
There is no shortage of student teachers in the Jamestown Public Schools District.
Student teachers play vital roles in school districts as they are supervised by certified teachers.
To qualify for a teaching degree, students must complete their student-teaching components as they are ...
HANOVER — The Town of Hanover filled nearly every seat in its courtroom Tuesday night with representatives from all five fire departments that serve the Town in attendance.
The Town Board called the meeting with the intent of presenting the five fire departments with the reasons for ...