
JPS Releases 2021-22 Opening Information

Dr. Kevin Whitaker, Jamestown Public Schools superintendent. P-J photo by John Whittaker

The Jamestown Public Schools District on Friday released its 2021-22 opening information to students, parents and staff.

“As a district, we understand the need and importance of in-person learning for our students,” said JPS Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker. “We are preparing for the return of ALL students to full-day, in-person instruction beginning on Wednesday, September 1st. Please remember that all decisions regarding reopening of schools in September could be subject to change depending on updated CDC or New York State guidelines, or new direction from the Chautauqua County Department of Health. We thank our families and staff for their understanding during these challenging times and their help in ensuring that our school community stays healthy and safe. We will keep our families updated on any additional changes we receive regarding the reopening of school.”

Moving forward, JPS will be following all CDC, American Pediatric Association and any future Chautauqua County Health Department guidelines regarding COVID-19, which currently includes:

• All students, staff and visitors should maintain a minimum of 3-feet social distancing while anywhere on school grounds.

• All students, staff and visitors must wear masks while inside all school buildings and on school buses for the safety of our students who cannot yet be vaccinated, except during mask breaks and while eating meals. Masks are optional outside school buildings except during morning COVID-19 screenings.

• Daily COVID-19 daily screenings (including temperature checks) will continue at each school at the beginning of the school day, prior to entering the building. Masks must be worn while in line while waiting for the daily screening.

Home instruction will ONLY be available to students who have a confirmed diagnosis and documentation from a physician. A signed note from a physician will be required to be eligible for home instruction. If your child has a documented medical health condition, please contact Sheri Fowler at Student Support Services at sheri.d.fowler@jpsny.org or 483-4393 for a Home Instruction Form. The Medical Homebound Instruction Form will need to be completed by a licensed physician and returned to the Director of Student Support Services, Chad Bongiovanni at chad.a.bongiovanni@jpsny.org or 197 Martin Road.

JPS will continue to provide all enrolled students with free access to breakfast and lunch each school day. Breakfast will be given to students at the end of the school day to take home for the next morning. Lunch will be served during the school day as normal.

The community can find more information and any updates for JPS reopening at www.jpsny.org/reopening including FAQs on health and safety, school routines and teaching and learning.

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