Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Andrew Goodell, and County Executive PJ Wendel have given their support for recommended changes in proposed DEC wetland regulations suggested by attorney Andrew Molitor.
Molitor sent a detailed five page legal analysis to the Department of Environmental ...
Dawn M. Swanson, a local children’s author and Kennedy Free Library director, recently visited the Hazeltine Public Library as part of its fall author series. It was the last stop on the author’s book tour promoting her first children’s book, “Charlotte, The Very Good, Very Naughty ...
The Audubon Community Nature Center will host its annual Enchanted Forest on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4-5.
Animals have the ability to speak human language and communicate with visitors during the Enchanted Forest. Those attending will follow a guide through the luminary-lit Enchanted Trail ...
Phil Cala, retired Jamestown public defender, introduced Nathaniel Barone II, chief public defender for Chautauqua County, to members of the Rotary Club of Jamestown recently.
Barone is a native son; his father was a surgeon in Jamestown and Barone was one of eight children. Barone graduated ...
PANAMA - The Harmony Senior Citizens met recently, with Ellen Coffaro opening the meeting with a welcome to all attending.
Marty LaFredo, Chaplain, read "Friendship", "Á Friendly Smile" offered the dinner prayer and led the salute to the Flag. Hosts for the day were Carol Parnell, Cindy ...
Melissa Uber, outgoing board member at the WCA Foundation, was celebrated for fulfilling three board terms totaling nine years of service on the board. Thanking her for service, is Board President James Pullan Jr.. Pullan said, “The WCA Foundation has been honored to have Melissa’s business ...