Zonta Club Of Jamestown Offers Scholarships

From left are 2024 Zonta Club of Jamestown scholarship winners Rebecca Lash, Megan Grice, Ella Storms and Carolyn Apthorpe.
The Zonta Club of Jamestown is accepting applications for the club’s scholarship programs.
The club provides scholarships to women interested in continuing their education in college or through a number of other educational opportunities. Zonta has six scholarships, each with its own criteria and an award of $1,000. All of the Zonta scholarships are available through the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation and its online application process. The online application is accessible on April 15 and closes July 15.
The scholarship committees at the foundation review applications and award scholarships in late fall and Zonta then recognizes their award recipients at a May dinner.
Visit crcfonline.org/scholarships to apply.
The club tries to maintain contact with its scholarship recipients to offer encouragement and celebrate scholarship recipients’ achievements.
For more information about the Zonta Club of Jamestown, visit to zontajamestown.org or write to the Zonta Club of Jamestown, P.O. Box 913, Jamestown, NY 14702.