Molitor Joins Calls For Delay To CDPAP Changes
Assemblyman Andrew Molitor, R-Westfield, is joining colleagues in the Assembly and Senate to urge a delay in the implementation of changes to the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program.
CDPAP is a medicaid funded home care service that allows people to hire the caregiver of their choice. The proposed transition, currently set for Tuesday, would require 280,000 elderly and disabled New Yorkers who rely on CDPAP for essential home-based care to register with a single statewide fiscal intermediary, Public Partnerships LLC. With more than 100,000 consumers still unregistered and a transition period that began on January 6, lawmakers are concerned about severe disruptions in care.
Assemblyman Josh Jensen, R-Greece, the ranking minority member of the Assembly Health Committee, Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio, R_Riverhead, and his other legislative colleagues called for an extension of the implementation timeline to July 1.
“The health and well-being of our most vulnerable New Yorkers must always be our top priority,” Molitor said. “This rushed transition process risks leaving thousands without the critical care they depend on every day. Extending the deadline will ensure a smoother transition and allow consumers, caregivers and providers the time they need to adjust properly.”
To address these concerns, Jensen and Sen. Patrick Gallivan have introduced new legislation (S.6689) that would extend the timeline for these changes, providing much-needed relief for consumers and their caregivers. The lawmakers are urging their colleagues in the Legislature and the governor’s administration to support this critical measure and prevent unnecessary disruptions to home-based health care services.
“I stand with my colleagues in demanding a responsible and measured approach to this transition,” Molitor said. “New Yorkers who rely on CDPAP should not have to fear losing their care because of a bureaucratic timeline that doesn’t consider real-life impacts.”